How to get an Australian Student Visa
Becoming an international student studying in the Australia is exciting! Applying for a visa can seem long and complicated but AIA can help, our knowledge is your power.
The Australian Education system is considered one of the best in the world, with many different options for students. There are both government funded, free options as well as private schooling options. There are education options available to virtually every age group, current level of education and scholastic ability. Entry in different types of education will require the applicant to meet the entry requirements which may well be sufficient completion of prior education at a satisfactory level, or satisfactory completion of an entrance examination.
Australian is a harmonious, ethnically diverse and welcoming country. Newcomers to Australia are often struck by the unassuming and open friendliness of the people.This friendly, safe and multicultural environment makes Australia a desirable destination for international students seeking access to our campuses and communities.Australia provides international students with consumer protection from loss of fees should a school close for one reason of another leaving the student out of pocket.
Over 250,000 student visas were granted in the 2010/2011 financial year.
Assessment for a student visa depend on the your nationality and the type of Student Visa you are applying for – these factors will be used to measure you assessment level which will range from one to five. The higher your assessment level score, the more documentary evidence you will be required to provide with your applications
Australia is known as the land of natural wonder. The blue crystal water of ocean, beautiful beaches and rainforest attract thousands of visitors every year. However, it is world’s sixth biggest country, but has the lowest population density per square Km area. The educational system of this country is also highly esteemed by the world. Universities and colleges of Australia offer a wide range of internationally recognised courses. So, many students from various countries of the world are moving to Australia for higher studies. Particular universities have very high standard and reputation for excellence. These universities are reputed especially in research works.
They provide opportunities for extra-curricular activities and sports. Most of the campuses are beautifully designed with natural beauties to conduct higher learning. It is the reason that thousands of students apply for a visa to migrate in Australia for getting a higher degree. A visa to Australia is a dream to most of the students of other countries. An Australian migration agent can effectively guide you to increase the chance of getting a student visa. There are many student visa subclasses and you have to choose an appropriate category to ensure your student visa. It is best to involve an Australian migration agent such as Australian Immigration Agency to assist in choosing the appropriate visa for you. Subclasses are divided according to the subject or course curricular. The subclasses of student visa are:
• ELICOS (English language course for overseas students ) – subclass 570:
Student wishing to apply for a stand along English language course that once completed provide a certificate with no formal Australian Award will require this Student Visa
• Visa for primary or secondary school courses- subclass 571:
A Visa for facilitating attendance by students at primary, junior as well as secondary education course in addition to permitting participation in school exchange programs at secondary level.
• Visa for higher education – subclass 573:
This visa is required by students wishing to partake in course that offer qualifications such as a bachelor degree, associate degree, graduate certificate, a masters degree or graduate diploma
• Visa for postgraduate research – subclass 574:
Masters Student which to undertake a research degree at an Australian University need this Visa.
• Visa for non-award students:
Non-awarded foundation courses, or full time courses, which do not lead an award in Australian but may be eligible to apply for another student visa.
• AusAID and defence visa:
A very specific degree available only to students who have received AUAID sponsorship or sponsorship from the defence department of Australia.
The Australian student visa is subject to the acceptance of the student by Australian universities or Australian educational institutions and duration of the course. A Migration agency provides all necessary information to students and if you need a visa, many formalities have to be fulfilled. At first, you have to contact Australian universities or educational institutions for enrolment and scholarship. After finalizing the academic process, you can apply for the student visa to DIAC Department of Immigration and Citizenship.