

Medicare is the healthcare scheme for Australian residents and certain other countries with which Australia has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA). RHCA entitles emergency medical cover in Australia. RHCA countries include Finland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The Australian Government supports privately insured people by giving them a rebate on their premiums for both hospital and general treatment cover. Everyone with private health cover receives a rebate of at least 30%. The Australian Government has increased the rebate for older Australians. From the age of 65, you get a rebate of 35%, when you reach 70, it goes up to 40%.

There are a number of private health insurance schemes. Some of them are:

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We are proud that our team boasts many languages including Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Malay, Tamil, Hindi, Russian, Ukrainian, Afrikaans and others.

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